#Leaving Sydney
Thanks to Mardi and John we found the best possible way out of Sydney, via Palm Beach (the place of the "rich and /or beautiful" ;-), from where we used the ferry for a short ride to Ettalong and then continued cycling along the East coast till we reached Swansea. Near Swansea we visited Marg and Rob - again friends of John and Mardi.
Marg and Rob had invited us to their home in Caves Beach/Swansea. We could recognize their house easily as a house of J&M's friends, because it was surrounded by many many kajaks - standing and hanging and lying everywhere around. When we looked out of the window of our extremely comfortable guest room we first saw another 2 kajaks hanging down the ceiling.. We spent a very relaxed evening together, and once again we find it such a great thing to be able to exchange opinions and stories with different people in different places! Sometimes we are too lazy to talk, but afterwards and during the chats it is always very inspiring and we can learn a lot.
Marg and Rob also explained us in detail how to avoid another piece of the traffic-intense Pacific Highway and how to reach a very romantic campground (Mungo Brush) in the Myall Lake National Park near Nest Hawks.
On the next day we cycled to a stunning beach called Seal Rocks - an extra 25 km for us, but the principal of the local school at the junction to Seal Rocks offered us to store our bags at the school and so it was very easy for us to get there. But the last 20 km after this side trip were hard because we had to carry our bags again...
Thanks to Mardi and John we found the best possible way out of Sydney, via Palm Beach (the place of the "rich and /or beautiful" ;-), from where we used the ferry for a short ride to Ettalong and then continued cycling along the East coast till we reached Swansea. Near Swansea we visited Marg and Rob - again friends of John and Mardi.
Marg and Rob had invited us to their home in Caves Beach/Swansea. We could recognize their house easily as a house of J&M's friends, because it was surrounded by many many kajaks - standing and hanging and lying everywhere around. When we looked out of the window of our extremely comfortable guest room we first saw another 2 kajaks hanging down the ceiling.. We spent a very relaxed evening together, and once again we find it such a great thing to be able to exchange opinions and stories with different people in different places! Sometimes we are too lazy to talk, but afterwards and during the chats it is always very inspiring and we can learn a lot.
Marg and Rob also explained us in detail how to avoid another piece of the traffic-intense Pacific Highway and how to reach a very romantic campground (Mungo Brush) in the Myall Lake National Park near Nest Hawks.
On the next day we cycled to a stunning beach called Seal Rocks - an extra 25 km for us, but the principal of the local school at the junction to Seal Rocks offered us to store our bags at the school and so it was very easy for us to get there. But the last 20 km after this side trip were hard because we had to carry our bags again...
We feel quiet like home now and have already developed some food habits.
Actually pretty much the same as home - quick and dirty :-)
Usually we eat as much as we can stuff in our bodies, and that s a lot! Eating a lot also helps to keep our diet more interesting, because we buy 1 kg rice and would only switch to noodles after the rice is finished.. :-)We can do 1 kg rice in 3 days!
Fish & Chips is also a "fantastic" option.. hmm...
Mardi und John haben uns die besten Insider-Tips für die Weiterreise bis Swansea gegeben, so dass wir wieder einige Kilometer Highway sparen konnten. Noch dazu haben sie Freunde in Swansea genötigt :-), uns aufzunehmen - Marg und Rob haben uns liebevoll bekocht, und an ein normales Bett sind wir auch schon fast wieder gewöhnt..
Die beiden haben uns mit genauer und fürsorglicher Wegbeschreibung in den Myalla Lakes Nationalpark weitergeschickt, und nachdem dort 3 Camps aufgrund von absichtlich durch die Buschhueter gelegten Bränden geschlossen waren, wurden wir glücklich vom 4. aufgenommen. Inzwischen würden wir aber natürlich auch schon locker ohne Probleme wild im Busch campen. Schließlich haben wir auch die Schlangen bezwungen :-)
#Christmas Shopping
Natürlich auch hier bei ALDI... Bei den Mengen, die wir so am Tag vertilgen geht das auch gar nicht anders. Wenn wir weiter schön sparen, geht ja vielleicht ein weiteres Jahr ?! Z.B. Tasmanien soll sensationell sein.
Im Uebrigen vermisse ich Eierflockensuppe.
#Style ("Cycle sexy")
Jeden Tag stellt sich wieder die Frage - was anziehen ??!!
Natuerlich will man auch on Tour jederzeit sexy und stylish angezogen sein. Meistens klappt das auch schon ganz gut mit der Basisausstattung:
Für den ganz besonderen Anlass haben wir uns jetzt allerdings noch ein Special-Accessoire zugelegt - erhoeht die gute Laune bei allen die uns sehen, maximiert ausserdem den Sicherheitsfaktor und sieht noch dazu unverschaemt gut aus:
#Style ("Cycle sexy")
Jeden Tag stellt sich wieder die Frage - was anziehen ??!!
Natuerlich will man auch on Tour jederzeit sexy und stylish angezogen sein. Meistens klappt das auch schon ganz gut mit der Basisausstattung: